Waldorf Nave User Manual

Page 22

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The Controls

Nave User Manual



list. Amount determines the amount of modulation

that is applied. Common sources for pulsewidth modula-
tions are a LFO or an envelope.

To create a thick oscillator sound, use a triangular
LFO as Modulation Source with full Amount and
a Pulsewidth of around 40. This basic setting is
useful for very big string and lead sounds.


diverse functions

Enables or disables the Glide
effect. "Glide" or "Portamento"
describes the continuous gliding
from one note to another. This
effect can be created on fretless
stringed instruments or some brass
instruments (e.g. trombone). It is very common on syn-
thesizers and used throughout all music styles. Please
note that Glide affects the pitch of all oscillators.


Glide works only with legato played notes.

Activate this parameter by tapping the corresponding
button. Use Glide to determine the glide time. Low valu-
es will give a short glide time in a range of milliseconds
that gives a special character to the sound. High values

will result in a long glide time of up to several seconds
which can be useful for solo and effect sounds.

Pitch Modulation

diverse functions

Selects the source of the pitch modulation for all oscilla-
tors. Activate this parameter by tapping on the button.
Then select a modulation source by tapping on the Mo-

list. Amount determines the amount of modu-

lation that is applied. A common source for pulswidth
modulation is an LFO.


diverse functions

The different Mix faders control the volume of each mo-
dule as well as the ring modulation levels.
