HP E317 User Manual

Page 9

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To help prevent corrupted cards and images, you should

format memory cards before you use them for the first time.

To format the memory card:
1. Press the

button, then use the button to move to the

Playback Menu


2. Press the button to highlight Delete, and then press the

button to display the Delete sub-menu.

3. Use the button to highlight Format Card, and then

press the

button to display the Format Card

confirmation screen.

4. Press the button to highlight Yes, and then press the

button to format the card.

Formatting Card... appears in the Image Display while

the camera is formatting the memory card. When the

camera has completed the formatting, the Total Images

Summary screen is displayed.

To remove the memory card from the camera, first turn the

camera off. Then open the Battery/Memory card door, press

down on the top edge of the memory card, and it will spring

outward from the slot.

Lee_Jackie_QSG.fm Page 9 Wednesday, February 16, 2005 6:58 AM

This manual is related to the following products: