16 suppressing radar interference, 17 suppressing noise interference, 18 off centering the display – Furuno FMD-811 User Manual

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1.16 Suppressing Radar

Radar interference may occur when near an-
other shipborne radar operating in the same
frequency band as your radar. Its on-screen
appearance is many bright dots either scat-
tered at random or in the form of dotted lines
extending from the center to the edge of the
display. Figure 1-14 illustrates interference
in the form of curved spokes. Interference
effects are distinguishable from normal ech-
oes because they do not appear in the same
place on successive rotations of the scan-

Figure 1-14 Radar interference

Four levels of interference are available, in-
cluding off: IR1, IR2, IR3 and OFF. IR3
provides the highest level of rejection.


1) Press the [MENU] key.

2) Select Int/Noise Rej & ES and press the

[ENT] key.

3) Select INT REJECT.

4) Select level desired; 2 provides the great-

est degree of interference rejection

4) Press [ENT] and [MENU].

IR and level selected appear at the top right
corner on the display when the interference
rejection circuit is turned on.

1.17 Suppressing Noise

Noise interference appears on the screen as
many bright dots. These dots can be sup-
pressed by turning on the noise rejector. Note
however that there are some forms of noise
interference which the unit cannot suppress.


1) Press the [MENU] key.

2) Select Int/Noise Rej & ES and press the

[ENT] key.

3) Select Noise Reject to ON.

4) Press the [ENT] key followed by the

[MENU] key.

1.18 Off Centering the Display

Your vessel’s position can be shifted any-
where within 75% of the effective display
area. The primary advantage of the off cen-
tered display is that for any range setting,
the view ahead of your vessel can be ex-
tended without changing the range or size
of targets.


1) Locate the cursor where you want the

screen center to be.

2) Press the [OFF CENTER] key.

OFF CENTER appears at the top left corner
on the display when the display is off cen-

Note: The off centered display is automatically
canceled when the [DISP MODE] key is
pressed and the range is 64 or 72NM.
