FARGO electronic Maestro 900 User Manual

Page 6

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Confidential, the whole present document is the sole property of Fargo Telecom (Asia) Ltd.


e. When you see the dialog box, on the “Filename” you choose file according to the modem:

Fargo Maestro 20 : F100VAF_0092.dwl
Fargo Maestro 100 : F20VAF_0092.dwl

Then on “Protocol” choose “1K-Xmodem”, Then press “OK”

f. Then the downloading process will start:

g. After finishing downloading enter command AT+CFUN=1 to restart modem
h. After restarting enter command AT+WOPEN=1 to start the VAF program.
i. Enter one VAF AT command to verify :


Expected response


+SMSAT : 0,000000


Now the Fargo Maestro Value added Feature installation has been done. You can follow other
chapters to use the features.

Not all Fargo Maestro can have the Value-added feature installed, so you need to check if your
Fargo Maestro before installation first.

This manual is related to the following products: