Diffuser and deflector installation, Using strobes (cont.) recommended strobe packages, Please read if using an ev-controller – Ikelite SX210 IS User Manual

Page 3: Using ikelite ds digital strobes, Substrobe ds51, Using strobes (cont.) ds161 movie substrobe, Using strobes (cont.), Ds161 (cont.), Sa-100 ball/socket arm, Flash deflector

Diffuser and deflector installation, Using strobes (cont.) recommended strobe packages, Please read if using an ev-controller | Using ikelite ds digital strobes, Substrobe ds51, Using strobes (cont.) ds161 movie substrobe, Using strobes (cont.), Ds161 (cont.), Sa-100 ball/socket arm, Flash deflector | Ikelite SX210 IS User Manual | Page 3 / 5 Diffuser and deflector installation, Using strobes (cont.) recommended strobe packages, Please read if using an ev-controller | Using ikelite ds digital strobes, Substrobe ds51, Using strobes (cont.) ds161 movie substrobe, Using strobes (cont.), Ds161 (cont.), Sa-100 ball/socket arm, Flash deflector | Ikelite SX210 IS User Manual | Page 3 / 5