Sharp Electronic Dictionary PW-E550 User Manual

Page 42

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• present participles dropping a final silent

e and adding -ing to the stem, e.g.,

changechanging; dancedancing

Other forms are given in the dictionary, notably for:

• verbs that inflect by doubling a consonant, e.g., batbatted, batting

• verbs ending in -

y that inflect by changing -y to -i, e.g., trytries, tried

• verbs in which past tense and past participle do not follow the regular -


pattern, e.g., feel → past and past participle felt; awake → past awoke; past
participle awoken

• present participles that add -

ing but retain a final e (in order to make clear that

the pronunciation of

g remains soft), e.g., singesingeing


Plurals formed by adding -

s (or -es when they end in -s, -x, -z, -sh, or soft -ch) are

regarded as regular and are not shown, e.g., dogdogs; lunchlunches

Other plural forms are given in the dictionary, notably for:

• nouns ending in -

i or -o, e.g., agoutiagoutis; albinoalbinos

• nouns ending in -

a, -um, or -us that are or appear to be Latinate forms, e.g.,

alumnaalumnae; spectrumspectra; alveolusalveoli

• nouns ending in -

y, e.g., flyflies; partyparties

• nouns with more than one plural form, e.g., cruxcruxes or cruces; money

moneys or monies

• nouns with plurals showing a change in the stem, e.g., footfeet; louse


• nouns with plurals unchanged from the singular form, e.g., sheepsheep;



The following forms for comparative and superlative are regarded as regular and
are not shown in the dictionary:

• words of one syllable adding -

er and -est, e.g., greatgreater, greatest

• words of one syllable ending in silent

e, which drop the -e and add -er and -est,

e.g., bravebraver, bravest

• words that form the comparative and superlative by adding “more” and “most”;

e.g., beautifulmore beautiful, most beautiful

Other forms are given in the dictionary, notably for:

• adjectives that form the comparative and superlative by doubling a final

consonant, e.g., hothotter, hottest

• two-syllable adjectives that form the comparative and superlative with -

er and -

est (typically adjectives ending in -y and their negative forms), e.g., happy
happier, happiest; unhappyunhappier, unhappiest


In the

New Oxford American Dictionary, syllable breaks are shown for main entries

and derivatives. Although all possible breaks are shown, there are some conven-
tions that govern how writers break words at the ends of lines. Guidelines include:

• Avoid a break that will leave one letter and a hyphen at the end of the line or one

letter (or one letter and a punctuation mark such as a period) at the beginning of
a line.

• Avoid breaking a word that is already hyphenated except at that hyphen (e.g.,

self-affirmation; leather-bound).

• Never break proper names.

• Avoid breaking abbreviations.
