Samsung 173P User Manual

Page 31

background image

To access the Magic Tune menu click on the icon in the task tray. If Enable Task Tray has been
disabled in the Options>Preference the menu will not be visible.
Help - Access to Help file: opens Help file using the default browser window

About - Displays detailed reference information: product version, release information, link to

View Uncalibrated - Toggle between Magic Tune Color Calibration off or on. When selected, the
menu item will change to View Calibrated

Quick View Calibration - Loads Magic Tune color calibration targets to view between calibrated
and uncalibrated.
Check for Upgrade - Opens link to and automatically checks for the latest
available version (requires an Internet connection to work)

Technical Support - Opens link to automated online Technical Support form (requires an Internet
connection to work)

Exit - Closes Magic Tune and turns off back ground color calibration. To run Magic Tune either
select Magic Tune from the Program menu or restart the system.

Magic Tune™ : Presets

Presets allow all characteristics of the monitor to be saved to a user defined file. The preset can be
called at any time or set to automatically load each time the computer is restarted. Presets provide
greater flexibility and can be based on multi-user configurations, content specific material,
application requirements, and changes in the work environment.

Factory Preset
In addition to the user definable Presets, Magic Tune has a Factory Default Preset. Loading this
preset will reset the display to the recommended factory settings. The factory preset provides an
easy way to restore the image if the monitor is poorly adjusted.

NOTE: The Factory preset can not be deleted or overwritten.

Enter Preset Name - Typing any text and clicking the Save button will save the current settings as
a Preset. After the Save button is clicked, this new Preset will appear in the drop-down menu below.

Select Preset Name - The drop down menu displays the current Preset. Holding down the arrow
activates the drop-down menu. To activate a Prest, select the desired Preset from this menu, then
click on the Use Preset button.

Checkbox - Make the settings of the Preset shown above as default. Checking this box will load
this preset when the computer is started or restarted.

Delete - Deletes the visible preset in the drop down menu
