Anamorphic: for 16 : 9 dvds, Active image area, Phase: adjusts the phase of signal – Runco CL-500 User Manual

Page 24: Frequency: adjusts the frequency of signal, V. pos.: adjusts the vertical position of image

background image

5. Menu


Active Image Area

Active Image Area

16:9 Screens:

4:3 Screens:

LETTERBOX: The image in the Letterbox mode will be stretched vertically,

and the top and bottom portion 'blanked off'. This ratio is best suited for

LaserDisc movies or non-anamorphic DVD's.

VIRTUAL WIDE: A 4:3 image is horizontally stretched non-linearly to allow a

4:3 image to completely fill a 16:9 screen without using any blanking.

Active Image Area


2. ASPECT: There are four aspect ratios available that can be selected for video signal inputs.

The aspect ratios will be created differently for 16:9 screens and 4:3 screens as described below:

ANAMORPHIC: The image is compressed vertically, but anamorphic software

will appear properly proportioned. This is best suited for use with 16:9 DVD's.

4 x 3: The input signal will be scaled to fit in the center of the 16:9 screen.

LETTERBOX: The top and bottom of the widescreen image

(within the 4:3 screen) will be 'blanked off'. This is best suited for

LaserDisc movies or non-anamorphic DVD's.

VIRTUAL WIDE: a 4:3 image is horizontally stretched non-linearly to

allow a 4:3 image to completely fill a 16:9 screen without using any

blanking (This ratio is available for 4:3 screens, but is most useful

only on 16:9 screens).

4 x 3: The input signal will fill the entire screen

ANAMORPHIC: The image is compressed vertically, but anamorphic

software will appear properly proportioned. This is best suited for use

with 16:9 DVD's.

Active Image Area

Active Image Area

Active Image Area

3. PC & HDTV: The following settings are only available with a PC or DTV RGB signal:

* AUTO: Adjusts the phase, frequency and position signal.

* PHASE: Adjusts the phase of signal.

* FREQUENCY: Adjusts the frequency of signal.

* H. POS.: Adjusts the horizontal position of the image.

* V. POS.: Adjusts the vertical position of image.

4. SAVE: There are 3 video memories in which the user could save their settings,

including all menu items of the Picture Setting Menu.

5. LOAD: Loads the settings from one of three video memories.
