X-Micro Tech. 400 User Manual

Page 19

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The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow.

The Playi ng Menu of the Musical File Playback Interface –
Repeat Mode
But ton Function in the Cycl e Setti ng Interface

Standard Icon Menu Functi ons.


Auto quit for i dli ng for 5 seconds.

List of Repeat Mode Opti ons:

Normal: When t he pl ayer fi nis hes playing t he songs in the

current di rectory, it will continue t o play the s ongs in t he next
direct ory .

Repeat One: Repeat playing t he current s ong.
Fol der: The pl ayer will st op if it fi nis hes pl ayi ng t he songs in

t he current directory.

Repeat folder: Repeat playi ng t he songs in the directory.
Repeat All: Repeat playi ng the s ongs i n all di rectori es .
Random: Pl ay t he songs in the current di rectory in a random


Int ro: Play t he beginni ng 10 seconds of all the s ongs i n t he

current di rectory in order.

Equali zer Setti ng I nterface

Note: You can select Equalizer for playing songs i n here. The
mus ic is still playing.
Its dis play ways is the same as t hat of “ Repeat Set ting”.
