Picture sound – Naxa NT-1902 User Manual

Page 12

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1 . Sound Sett ings

2 . Surrou nd Mode

3 . AVL

4 . Analog Sound

5 . Digital Sou nd

6 . Digital Audio O utput

7. Equaliz er Setti ngs

S ound Mode

B ass


B alanc e


Availab le opt ions: U ser, D ynam ic, St andar d,
S oft.

T he val ue of Bass c an be adjus ted fro m -15 to
1 5.

T he val ue of Treble can b e adju sted f rom -1 5 to
1 5.

T he val ue of Balanc e can be ad justed from -25
to 25.

The v alue o f Bass , Treb le, an d Bala nce is adjus table only w hen th e Sou nd

M ode is set a s Use r.

- Press ENTER but ton to enabl e or di sable this it em.

- Press ENTER but ton to enabl e or di sable this it em.

Availab le opt ions: M ono, Stere o, SAP.

Availab le opt ions: E nglis h, Fre nch, S panis h.

Availab le opt ions: O ff, PC M, R aw.

- Availa ble m odes: User, Off, R ock, P op, Ja zz.
- The va lue o f each colum n is a djusta ble on ly in U ser m ode, a nd ea ch co lumn
c an be adjus ted fro m -12 to 12.



1. Picture Sett ings

2. Scre en Size

3. PC Setti ngs

4. Color Te mpe rature

5. Adva nced P ictu re S ettings

Pict ure Mode

Brig htnes s

Con trast

Colo r


Sha rpnes s


Dyn amic C ontra st

Film Mode

Nois e Red uctio n

MPE G Noise Re ductio n

Ava ilable o ptions: User, Dyna mic, S tanda rd,
Mov ie.

The value of Brig htnes s can b e adju sted f rom
0-10 0.

The value of Con trast c an be adjust ed from 0-
100 .

The value of Col or can be adj usted from 0 -100.

The value of Tint can be adjus ted from -50 to 50.
(On ly avai lable fo r cert ain TV syste m)

The value of Sha rpnes s can b e adju sted f rom 0-100.

If th e valu e of B rightn ess, Contras t, Colo r, Tint , and S harpn ess is

adju stable only w hen th e Pict ure Mode is set as User.

Ava ilable o ptions: Norm al, Wide, Cinema, Zoom .

NOT E: This item is ava ilable only in PC m ode.

Ava ilable o ptions: Norm al, Warm, C ool.

Ava ilable o ptions : Off, Low, M edium , High .

This item i s used to set the Fi lm Mo de function O n or O ff.

Ava ilable o ptions: Off, Low, M edium , High .

Ava ilable o ptions: Off, Low, M edium , High .
