Channel parental – Naxa NT-1902 User Manual
Page 13
1. Channel List
2. Favorite List
3. Channel Sett ings
4. Signal Type
5. Auto Cha nne l Search
- Pre ss ENT ER bu tton to ente r CHAN NEL
LIST menu page.
- Pre ss nav igation butto ns to s elect desire d
chan nel.
- Pre ss ENT ER bu tton to confi rm sel ection .
- Pre ss ENT ER bu tton to ente r FAVO RITE
LIST menu page.
- Pre ss nav igation butto ns to s elect desire d
chan nel.
- Pre ss ENT ER bu tton to confi rm sel ection .
- Pre ss nav igation butto ns to m ove t he cursor on a certain item .
- Pre ss ENT ER bu tton to confi rm sel ection .
Avail able o ptions : Air, C able.
- Pre ss UP or DO WN na vigatio n butt on to s elect this ite m.
- Pre ss ENT ER bu tton to start autom atic ch annel searc hing.
: Stop Auto Channel Search
: Skip
Now Searching... Please Wait...
Analog Channels Found:
Digital Channels Found:
1 . V-CHIP
2 . Change Pa ssword
3 . Ke ypad Lock
4 . Source Loc k
C anada V-CH IP
B lock U nrated Show
D ownlo adabl e Rati ng
C lear D ownlo adabl e Data
Do wnloa dable Ratin g
Clear Down loada ble Da ta
- P ress U P or D OWN navig ation b utton to
se lect w anted item.
- P ress ENTER or RI GHT n avigat ion bu tton to
en ter su bmenu page .
- P ress ENTER butto n to lo ck or u nlock
se lected rating .
- P ress U P or D OWN navig ation b utton to
se lect w anted item.
- P ress ENTER or RI GHT n avigat ion bu tton to enter subme nu pa ge.
- P ress ENTER butto n to lo ck or u nlock select ed rati ng.
- P ress ENTER butto n to enable o r disa ble thi s item.
- P ress ENTER butto n to enter it, and do wnloa d the new ra ting a ccordi ng to th e
in structions.
- T his ite m is u sed to delete the ne w rating tha t down loade d.
T he
item s are
av ailabl e only when new ra ting is availa ble.
- P ress the number b uttons on remote c ontrol to inpu t the 4 digits pass word o f each
ite m.
- Onc e an it em ha s been finish ed, the curso r will t urn to next it em
au tomatically.
- W hen all of O ld PIN , New PIN an d Con firm h ave be en inp ut, the unit w ill sav e the
ne w pas sword autom atical ly, and return to pre vious menu page.
- P ress ENTER butto n to enable o r disa ble thi s item.
- P ress U P or D OWN navig ation b utton to sele ct the input s ource that w ant to lock.
- P ress ENTER butto n to lo ck or u nlock select ed inp ut sou rce.
Once a cert ain inp ut sou rce ha s been locke d, bel ow me ssage will ap pear
on the s creen:
Then press EN TER b utton to ente r TEM PORA RY
U NBLO C K me nu pag e, and input the pa ssword by
pr essing numb er but tons o n remo te con trol to unloc k
cu rrent source .
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