Sample rates and performance – M-AUDIO Lagoon User Manual

Page 25

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Sample Rates and Performance

Input sample rate always shows the detected sample rate coming in from your
optical cable. If this value varies continuously, please check if you configured the
input correctly (Did you choose ADAT as input and falsely connect it to an S/PDIF
device or vice versa?).

What will be displayed as Output sample rate depends on the settings in the General
page. If you chose LAGOON as clock source, Output sample rate should always
match the frequency you set in the LAGOON Tools General page. If you chose
Optical In, Output sample rate should be the same as the one you are feeding in into
the optical input of your LAGOON card. If you chose ADAT Sync In, the sample rate
at the output will match the word clock frequency from the ADAT Sync In interface.

DSP load shows the percentage of the DSP power which is currently required by the
system. This depends on which format (ADAT or S/PDIF) you are using and if many
repeated PCI transfers have to be carried out.

The percentage of PCI-repeated transfers indicates if the PCI bus is behaving as it
should. In most systems it should only display a few percent. If you see a large
number of PCI-repeated transfers (up to 10 percent and above), then perhaps you
have an older mainboard in your PC that is not suitable for multimedia demands.
