Ingalls IK500033RDX User Manual
Ingalls engineering

Ingalls Engineering
Part Numbers IK500033RD, IK500033RDX
CAUTION: Observe proper safety and repair procedures for installation of all chassis parts. Some chassis parts require specialized tools and
experience and therefore MUST be installed by a qualified technician otherwise an unsafe vehicle and/or personal injury could result. Wear
safety glasses and other protection.
WARNING: Before beginning, check for any damaged or loose suspension connections. Check the pinch bolt hole at the spindle for out-of-
roundness, deformation or damage. Any damage or loose connections indicate worn or broken parts which MUST BE REPLACED. Failure to
replace a damaged or worn spindle and/or link may cause the ball joint stud may break or the wheel to separate from the vehicle, possibly
resulting in serious personal injury.
NOTE: These parts are not designed for installation on vehicles with suspension and/or steering systems modified for racing, competition or any
other non-standard purpose.
Removal Instructions
Raise the front of the vehicle in a safe manner and support on jack stands under body and/or frame and remove wheel & tire assembly.
Remove the lower ball joint pinch bolt and nut. Separate the ball joint stud from the spindle. Take care not to damage the knuckle.
Loosen the steering rack bolts to gain access to the front control arm bolts.
Remove the 3 bolts retaining the front control arm and remove the control arm.
Inspect the ball joint stud and spindle for any abnormal wear. If the spindle is worn or deformed it must be replaced or damage will occur
to the new ball joint.
Press out the old ball joint using a ball joint press.
Installation Instructions FOR OEM CONTROL ARMS
READ these instructions COMPLETELY prior to installing
the ball joint or damage to the control arm may occur.
Remove the rubber dust boot from the ball joint.
3. Press the ball joint into the control arm ONLY FAR
ENOUGH to reveal the snap-ring groove on the top of the
control arm. Care must be taken to not press the too far or
with too much pressure and deform the control arm. There
will be a slight gap between the lower flange of the control
arm and the large shoulder of the ball joint. If the ball joint
is pressed into an OE control arm until the shoulder
bottoms out on the control arm flange, DAMAGE TO THE
Install the snap ring on the TOP side of the control arm in
the groove of the ball joint body.
5. Install the rubber dust boot and the two-turn ring at the
Install the grease fitting in the bottom of the ball joint.
Snap Ring
Gap at
OE Control
OEM Control Arm Installation
Installation Instructions for AFTERMARKET Control Arms
READ these instructions COMPLETELY prior to installing the ball joint or damage to the control arm may occur.
Remove the rubber dust boot from the ball joint.
Press the ball joint into the control arm until the shoulder bottoms out on the lower side of the control arm.
Install the snap ring on the TOP side of the control arm in the groove of the ball joint body.
Install the rubber dust boot and the two-turn ring at the base.
Install the grease fitting in the bottom of the ball joint.
Control Arm Installation Instructions
Install the control arm on vehicle.
Tighten the rear control arm bolts to 129 lb-ft (175 N-m). Install the front control arm bolts but do not tighten.
Tighten steering gear bolts to 85 lb-ft (115 N-m).
Clean the ball stud hole on the knuckle and install ball joint stud into knuckle. Tighten pinch bolt and nut to 76 lb-ft (103 N-m).
Lubricate ball joint with chassis grease through the grease fitting.
Install wheel and tire assembly and torque the lugnuts according to the owner’s manual.
Lower vehicle to the ground and tighten the front control arm bolt and nut to 129 lb-ft (N-m).
Check vehicle alignment and road test.
Limited Warranty
Subject to Disclaimer. All Ingalls products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for niney (90) days from date of
purchase. During the warranty period, Ingalls will repair, or at its option replace at no charge, components that prove to be defective. The
product must be returned, shipping prepaid, to Ingalls facility. This limited warranty does not apply if the product is damaged by accident or
misuse. The foregoing warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied including but not limited to any implied warranty of
merchantability, fitness, or adequacy for any particular purpose or use. Ingalls shall not be liable for any special, incidental or consequential
damages whether in contract, tort, or otherwise resulting from the use or the inability to use the product.
Warranty Disclaimer
Use of this product in competition, or use on vehicles altered from original manufacturer’s specifications or setting, EXPRESSLY VOIDS
WARRANTY. The user is urged to inspect for suspension binding or interference when the product is used in these manners. However, due to
the varying conditions and manner of use which the product will be subjected to in such uses, Ingalls Engineering Co., Inc. makes no warranties,
either express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose for use in competition or with specifications
or settings other than those specified by the original manufacturer’s specifications.