Ingalls 38420 User Manual
Ingalls, And possible damage to the vehicle

Product Installation Instructions
Part Number 38420
CAUTION: Observe proper safety and repair procedures for installation of all chassis parts. Some chassis parts require specialized tools and
experience and therefore MUST be installed by a qualified technician otherwise an unsafe vehicle and/or personal injury could result. Wear safety
glasses and other protection.
WARNING: Before beginning, check for any damaged or loose suspension connections. Loose connections here indicate worn or broken parts which
MUST BE REPLACED. Failure to replace a damaged or worn spindle and/or link may cause the wheel to separate from the vehicle, possibly resulting in
serious personal injury.
NOTE: These parts are intended for use in vehicles with abnormal alignment and are designed to replace the non-adjustable factory equipment. These
parts are not designed for installation on vehicles with suspension and/or steering systems modified for racing, competition or any other non-standard
Before starting alignment, complete inspection checklist and determine the amount of change needed.
Match left and right hand threaded parts and assemble the SmartArm
. Thread the Jam Nuts all the way down on the End Links [left hand Jam
Nut (silver) on the left hand threaded ball joint end link, right hand Jam Nut (black) on the right hand threaded bent end link]. Thread the End Links
into the Adjusting Tube (put the left hand ball joint End Link into the end of the Adjusting Tube which has the radial groove next to the wrench flats).
Raise the rear of the vehicle and support the body safely on jack stands. Remove the rear tire and wheel assembly.
Remove the bolt from the inner end of the OE upper support arm at the body mounting bracket. Save the bolt to re-install the new arm.
Remove the nut from the ball joint at the upper support arm. Using a ball joint separator or similar method, separate the ball joint taper and remove
the support arm (strong hammer blows to the outside of the taper joint, not the ball joint or stud, will break the taper loose).
Install the new SmartArm
unit in the same manner as the OE support arm. With the bend in the arm pointing down, place the bushing end into
the body mounting bracket and insert the OE bolt (do not tighten yet). Rotate the ball joint around so it can be inserted into the wheel hub in the
same direction as the OE ball joint was so the ball joint stud taper matches the hub taper. Tighten the ball joint nut and torque to 44-53 Ft-Lbs (60-
72 N-m).
Safely raise the wheel hub close to its normal ride position in the wheel well to properly set the rubber bushings (do not raise the body off the jack
stands for safety).
Set the OE cam bolt to its neutral position (this adjustment can be used later if necessary) and tighten to 103-118 Ft-Lbs (140-160 N-m).
Replace the tire and wheel assembly (torque lug nuts to factory specifications).
Adjust camber by loosening the jam nuts and turning the Adjusting Tube to the desired specifications. DO NOT extend the threads beyond their
limits (ensure that the dimple marks on the End Link threads are still located within the Center Tube).
10. Important - Place a wrench or vice grips on the flat section of the ball joint end. While using the wrench to keep the ball joint body perpendicular to
the ball joint stud, tighten the jam nuts against the Adjustment Tubes to 80 ft. lbs. [108 N.M.]. Make sure the ball joint body does not move when
tightening the jam nuts, it must be aligned properly to allow the full range of motion intended by the factory.
Important - Install the grease fitting into the ball joint cap and completely fill ball joint with axle grease until grease extrudes out the ball joint boot.
Follow the factory instructions to adjust rear toe to the desired specifications. Re-adjust camber if necessary.
Check for proper suspension clearance (see note below), road test vehicle and re-adjust alignment as necessary.
Modifying any suspension component may change other part
clearances and cause binding or interferences. After installing
any Ingalls’ product, the suspension must be checked for binds
or interference between all components, other arms and the
chassis. Be sure that all control arms, struts and steering ends
move freely through the full movement of the suspension
(springs may need to be removed to fully check component
travel). Installing any Ingalls’ product on a modified vehicle
(lowered or raised) from the original factory design requires a
detailed check of all suspension components and their
movements. Ingalls recommends that a trained technician
install all products.
Limited Warranty
Subject to Disclaimer. All Ingalls products are warranted against
defects in materials and workmanship for ninety (90) days from
date of purchase. During the warranty period, Ingalls will repair,
or at its option replace at no charge, components that prove to
be defective. The product must be returned, shipping prepaid,
to Ingalls facility. This limited warranty does not apply if the
product is damaged by accident or misuse. The foregoing
warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied
including but not limited to any implied warranty of
merchantability, fitness, or adequacy for any particular purpose
or use. Ingalls shall not be liable for any special, incidental or
consequential damages whether in contract, tort, or otherwise
resulting from the use or the inability to use the product.
Warranty Disclaimer
Use of this product in competition, or use on vehicles altered from original manufacturer’s specifications or settings, EXPRESSLY VOIDS WARRANTY.
The user is urged to inspect for suspension binding or interference when the product is used in these manners. However, due to the varying conditions
and manner of use which the product will be subjected to in such uses, Ingalls Engineering Co., Inc. makes no warranties, either express or implied,
including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose for use in competition or with specifications or settings other than those
specified by the original manufacturer’s specifications.
Copyright ©2004 Ingalls Engineering Co., Inc.