3B Scientific Demonstration Monochord User Manual

Page 4

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To determine the frequency ratios:
• Tune two strings to the same note.

• Move the bridge under one of the two strings to a

position given by the ratios for the major scale.

• Determine the frequency ratio from the ratio of string


All the notes of the major scale are consonant apart from

the second and the seventh. With the third string, chords
such as the major triad can be played. The procedure for
that is as follows:
• Tune a second string in the ratio 4:5 (major third) to

the first.

• Tune the third string to the same as the second.

• Move the bridge to two thirds of the way along the

second string (major third).

3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • www.3bscientific.com • Technical amendments are possible
