Additional recommendations – PASCO DataStudio Installation User Manual
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DataStudio 1.9.0 Installation Instructions
Installing DataStudio for PASPORT on Mac OS X
PASCO Technical Support
tel: (800) 772-8700 / (916) 786-3800
5. DataStudio opens with the default display for the sensor you have connected, usually a Graph
or Digits display. Press the main toolbar’s Start button (
) to begin collecting data. After
a few seconds, press the Stop button (
) to end data collection. If data appears in the
display (examples below), your installation was successful. Congratulations!
6. Close DataStudio (DataStudio > Quit DataStudio). You do not need to save the activity.
Tip: If you would like to also verify the installation of the WavePort plug-in, see the Verification section of
the WavePort installation instructions.
5. Additional Recommendations
key points
• Ensure that QuickTime 5 or later is installed to enable DataStudio’s movie
playback feature.
• Install any PASCO Curriculum products to place DataStudio experiment
configuration files on each computer.
• Provide teachers with the DataStudio Tutorial on the DataStudio CD to get
them started using probeware.
While your computer is now ready for teachers and students to collect and analyze data
from PASPort sensors, performing these final steps will allow them to get the most out of
your school’s probeware.