PASCO DataStudio Installation User Manual
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DataStudio 1.9.0 Installation Instructions
Installing DataStudio for PASPORT on Mac OS X
PASCO Technical Support
tel: (800) 772-8700 / (916) 786-3800
Install QuickTime
DataStudio’s new movie playback feature requires the free QuickTime Player version 5 or later. It
is likely that your Mac OS X computer already has QuickTime installed, but if you should need to
install or upgrade it, follow this procedure.
1. To install QuickTime, log in as an administrator and do one of the following:
• Insert the DataStudio CD, open the Launcher interface, and select Download
QuickTime to launch your browser to the QuickTime download website, or
• Directly download the QuickTime installer from
2. Run the installer and follow its onscreen instructions.
Tip: A purchased QuickTime Pro license is not required for DataStudio’s movie playback feature; the free
QuickTime Player is sufficient.
Install PASCO Curriculum
Your school may have purchased curriculum like these from PASCO or its partners:
PASCO’s curriculum products typically consist of a binder of printed experiment procedures with
a CD installer for the corresponding DataStudio experiment configuration files. Run the CD
installer to place these experiment configuration files on the hard drive for easy access by
teachers and students.
1. To install any DataStudio curriculum you have purchased, log in as an administrator and
follow the installation instructions for your particular curriculum product(s).