1 creating a new individual homeplug av(networkab) – LevelOne PLI-4051 User Manual

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Chapter 4 – Individual HomePlug AV Network


All HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridges ship with a default security key so they will automatically link

to all other HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridges sharing the same electrical lines. If there are other

HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridges in the building (such as in an office or apartment building), you

may want to create your own individual HomePlug AV network group so other HomePlug AV

Ethernet Bridges cannot connect to your network.

This section describes how to use the Security button for configuration in the following situations:

4.1 Creating a new individual HomePlug AV(networkAB)

Two unassociated Bridges (Bridge A and Bridge B) are forming a new network—Network AB

The procedure is as follows:

1. Press and hold the Security button on Bridge A for 10 seconds. Release it when the Power

light flashes. The password to Bridge A has just been erased. It must now be linked to your

network to adopt the new network security key.

2. Press and hold the security button on Bridge B for 10 seconds and release it when the Power

light flashes. The password to Bridge B has just been erased. It must now be linked to your

network to adopt the new network security key.

3. Currently, Bridge A and Bridge B are not networked

4. Press and hold the Security button on Bridge A for 2 seconds then release.

5. The Power light on Bridge A starts to flash.

6. Within 120 seconds after the Power light on Bridge A starts to flash, press and hold the

Security button on Bridge B for 2 seconds then release.


Both Bridge A and Bridge B are now networked together.
