Triton TritonMap User Manual

Page 70

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June 2004 DelphMap™ User's Manual

FIGURE 23. Classification file fully labeled and colored — example

A seabed classification file imported and color-coded this way will display its
seabed objects cleanly differentiated from each other. Notice that this method
reveals more information than the technique of just importing the single DXF file
as a layer (but not as a classification file). If you were to do the latter, your
seabed classification would not show the desirable differentiation you get with the
methods just explained. (You could, of course, still import the various other layers
that are present in your classification file, but that is a more tedious method of
achieving the same thing as represented in Figure 23.) Figure 24 shows an
example of the same kind of file imported into DelphMap, via the technique of
right-clicking on a layer name and choosing Insert layer(s), but without the
benefit of separate colors for the various classified objects in the seabed.

Chapter 3: Importing and Exporting

