Section 4. usb communications, Host applications, Card data – MagTek USB (UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS) KEYBOARD EMULATION User Manual

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This device conforms to the USB specification revision 1.1. This device also conforms with the
Human Interface Device (HID) class specification version 1.1. The device communicates to the
host as a HID keyboard device. The latest versions of the Windows operating systems, Windows
98, Me, and 2000, all come with a standard Windows USB HID keyboard driver.

This is a full speed USB device. This device is powered from the USB bus. Its vendor ID is
0x0801 and its product ID is 0x0001. The device will go into suspend mode when directed to do
so by the host. The device will wakeup from suspend mode when directed to do so by the host.
The device does not support remote wakeup.


This device can be used with existing applications that acquire card data via keyboard input.
Also, applications that communicate to this device can be easily developed. These applications
can be easily developed using compilers such as Microsoft’s Visual Basic or Visual C++. To
demonstrate this device’s card reading capabilities any application that accepts keyboard input
such as Window’s Notepad can be used.


The card data is converted to ASCII and transmitted to the host as if it had been typed on a
keyboard. Any data with ASCII values 0 – 31 or 127 will be transmitted as their equivalent
control code combination. For example a carriage return value 13 (0D hex) will be sent as (^M)
where ^ represents the Ctrl key on the keyboard.


If another keyboard is connected to the same host as this device and a
key is pressed on the other keyboard while this device is transmitting,
then the data transmitted by this device may get corrupted.

Because of potential "data interleave" issues associated with the USB Keyboard interface,
MagTek recommends that the USB Keyboard Emulation MSR product should only be used by
customers who have previously used MagTek's Keyboard Wedge MSR, or who are interfacing
with an existing PC software application which gathers card data from the keyboard port. If
previous applications were based upon RS-232 serial interface MSR's, or if this is a brand new
development effort, it is strongly recommended that you use the MagTek's "standard version" of
the USB MSR (Non-Keyboard Emulation Version). Please refer to Technical Manual 99875204
for further information regarding the "standard version" USB MSR.

The device’s programmable configuration options affect the format of the card data.

The card data format for the default configuration is as follows:

[Tk1 SS][Tk1 Data][ES][Tk2 SS][Tk2 Data][ES][Tk3 SS][Tk3 Data][ES][CR]

