A.3.1 disc space available, A.3.2 available virtual memory, A.3.3 used virtual memory – Campbell Scientific LoggerNet Server SDK User Manual

Page 176

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Appendix A. Server and Device Operational Statistics Tables


There is only one row defined for the table. The statistics available in this
table are as follows:

A.3.1 Disc Space Available

Column Name: “DiscSpaceAvail”
Column Definition Description: “Disc Space Avail”
Type: int8
Description: Relays how many bytes are free on the volume where the server’s
working directory resides.

A.3.2 Available Virtual Memory

Column Name: “AvailVirtMem”
Column Definition Description: “Avail Virt Mem”
Type: uint4
Description: Relays the amount of virtual memory that is available to the
server process.

A.3.3 Used Virtual Memory

Column Name: “UsedVirtMem”
Column Definition Description: “Used Virt Mem”
Type: uint4
Description: Relays the amount of virtual memory that is being used by the
server process. This value is derived from the AvailVirtMem by subtracting
the value of that statistic from the maximum win32 memory size.

The table structure of a PakBus datalogger is given in the example below. This
example shows a datalogger with two user defined tables plus the Status table
and Public or Inlocs table. The second table in the example below contains
three records and the third table contains four records. Both the Status table
and Public or Inlocs table will always return the most recent records and will
not contain any historical data records.

The first table is the Status table, which shows the status of the datalogger.
The Public or Inlocs table contains all public variables or input locations. All
other tables found in the datalogger are created and defined by the user in the
datalogger program. The tables in a PakBus datalogger will always contain a
record number and timestamp followed by the data fields.
