Section 8. csidatalogger, 1 purpose of the csidatalogger control, 2 connecting to the server – Campbell Scientific LoggerNet Server SDK User Manual

Page 41: 3 datalogger interface, 1 properties

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Section 8. CsiDatalogger

8.1 Purpose of the CsiDatalogger Control

The CsiDatalogger control allows the developer to manage datalogger
functions through the LoggerNet server. The basic managerial functions of this
control include: sending a program to the datalogger, retrieving a program from
the datalogger, checking the clock on the datalogger as well as setting it to the
current time, setting variable values, and performing manual polls of the
datalogger. Another important function creates an active connection between
the server and the datalogger, to eliminate connection and disconnection
overhead on slower connections.

8.2 Connecting to the Server

There are two basic actions required for this control to connect to the
LoggerNet server:

1. Set server properties:


- The name or IP address of the LoggerNet server . The

default value is




- The port on which the LoggerNet server is running.

The default value is 6789


(Optional) - If security has been enabled on the

server, a valid logon name is required.


(Optional) - If security has been enabled on

the server, a valid password that corresponds with a valid logon name
is required.

2. Invoke




8.3 Datalogger Interface

8.3.1 Properties

• clockBusy As Boolean

• loggerConnected As Boolean

• loggerName As String

• manualPollBusy As Boolean

• programReceiveBusy As Boolean

• programSendBusy As Boolean

• serverConnected As Boolean

• selectiveManualPollBusy As Boolean

• serverLogonName As String

• serverLogonPassword As String

• serverName As String

• serverPort As Long

