Apple Motion 2 Tutorials User Manual

Page 106

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Tutorial 2

Basic Motion Behaviors


In the bigCircle Dashboard, drag the Opacity slider to 40 percent.

To apply a behavior to the circle:


With the bigCircle object selected, click the Add Behavior icon in the Toolbar and
choose the Spin behavior from the Basic Motion submenu.


Use the Spin Dashboard to rotate the object in a clockwise direction.

The bigCircle and circleText objects rotate in opposite directions.

To import the additional graphic elements:


In the File Browser, navigate to the Tutorial Media folder (default is /Users/Shared/
Motion/Tutorial Media)
, then double-click the Graphics folder to view its contents.


Drag the GreenSquares.psd file to the graphics layer in the Layers tab, and hold the
mouse button down over the layer.

The pointer becomes an arrow with a transparent thumbnail of the image. Since the
file is a layered Photoshop file, the import options appear in the drop menu.
