Performance considerations – Apple Xsan 2 (Third Edition) User Manual

Page 27

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Chapter 2

Planning a Storage Area Network


How Should Users See Available Storage?

If you want users working on a project to see a volume dedicated to their work, create
a separate volume for each project. If it’s acceptable for a user to see a folder for his or
her work on a volume with other peoples’ folders, create a single volume and organize
it into project folders.

Workflow Considerations

How much file sharing is required by your users’ workflow? If, for example, different
users or groups work on the same files, either simultaneously or in sequence, it makes
sense to store those files on a single volume to avoid having to maintain or hand off
copies. Xsan uses file locking to manage shared access to a single copy of the files.

Performance Considerations

If your SAN supports an application (such as high resolution video capture and
playback) that requires the fastest possible sustained data transfers, design your SAN
with these performance considerations in mind:

Set up the LUNs (RAID arrays) using a RAID scheme that offers high performance.


See “Choosing RAID Schemes for LUNs” on page 28.
Assign your fastest LUNs to an affinity tag for the application. Assign slower LUNs to


an affinity tag for less demanding applications.
To increase parallelism, spread LUNs across different RAID controllers. Xsan then


stripes data across the LUNs and benefits from simultaneous transfers through two
RAID controllers.
To increase parallelism for an affinity tag assigned to relatively small LUNs (the size


of one or a few drive modules), create a slice of similar size across all drives on a
RAID controller instead of creating the LUNs from one or two drive modules.
Spread file transfers across as many drives and RAID controllers as possible.


Try creating slices across the drives in RAID systems, and then assign these slices
to the same affinity tag.
To increase throughput, connect both ports on client Fibre Channel cards to the


Store file system metadata and journal data on a separate storage pool from user


data and make sure the metadata LUNs aren’t on the same RAID controller as user
data LUNs.
Use a second Ethernet network (including a second Ethernet port in each SAN


computer) for SAN metadata.
If your SAN uses directory services, mail services, or other services on a separate


server, connect SAN computers to that server on an Ethernet network separate from
the SAN metadata network.
