Apple Logic Pro 7 (TDM Guide) User Manual

Page 36

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Chapter 5

Tips and Tricks

Please bear in mind that none of the TDM surround features are available in Logic Pro.
You will need to use the Bounce button of each desired Output Object for all bounce
operations, other than those for Output 1-2 (or surround) bounces.

If using the DTDM Output Objects, you will have nearly all of the offline and online
bouncing features afforded by Core Audio. The only omission is that surround
bouncing is limited to eight channels, given the maximum of eight ESB streams. This
means that 7.1 surround bounces can be performed without problems when you use
the DTDM. For more information on Logic’s surround features, please refer to the Logic

Note: You can also use Logic’s Freeze facility to perform individual offline bounce
processes for each track. To Freeze, simply click on the Freeze button (the ice crystal) of
the desired audio track(s) in the Arrange window Track List. The next time you hit Play,
Logic will freeze the tracks, saving massive amounts of processing power. When you
use the DAE, the Freeze function can not be used. For more information on Logic’s
Freeze function, please refer to the Logic reference.
