Precisionsound Gothenburg Reed Organ User Manual

Page 5

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© Copyright Precisionsound 2013

Modulation Page

On the Modulation page, you can apply an LFO (low frequency oscillator) to the volume of the organ.

Additionally, you can increase the intensity of the LFO using the modulation wheel on your MIDI

keyboard. From left to right, the controls are as follows:

On/Off: this button activates or deactivates the LFO.

Free/Sync: this button switches the rate of the LFO between tempo-synced values and values in Hertz.

Rate: sets the speed of the LFO. The appearance of this dial depends on the Free/Sync button. In Free

mode, values between 0.01Hz – 10Hz are possible:

In Sync mode, values of 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, and 1, 2, 3, and 4 bars are possible:

The actual duration of each value in Sync mode is determined by the current tempo.

Range: sets the maximum amount of volume modulation that can be created by the LFO.

Depth: sets the current amount of volume modulation, as a percentage of the Range.

CC1 Mod: sets the maximum increase in modulation when raising the modulation wheel (MIDI CC1), as a

percentage of the Range.

If Range is at 0%, then Depth and CC1 Mod will have no effect.
