Precisionsound Gothenburg Reed Organ User Manual

Page 6

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© Copyright Precisionsound 2013

FX Page

On the FX page, you can shape the tone of the sound, and apply a high-quality convolution reverb. From

left to right, the controls are as follows:


Lo Gain: sets the volume of low frequencies, between +/-6 decibels.

Mid Gain: sets the volume of mid frequencies, between +/-6 decibels.

Mid Freq: sets the centre of the frequencies controlled by the Mid Gain dial.

Hi Gain: sets the volume of high frequencies, between +/-6 decibels.

The Lo and Hi EQ frequencies have been pre-tweaked by Precisionsound to suit the instrument.


Level: sets the volume in decibels of the convolution reverb effect.

Type: changes the impulse response of the convolution reverb. Seventeen impulse responses are

available, ranging from short springs to churches and cathedrals. You can also disable the reverb by

setting this menu to “Reverb off”.
