Operating, Adding recorder – Quadrox Fast-Touch Video Browser User Manual
Page 10

Quadrox Fast Touch Video Browser
User manual
At the bottom of the window, under the Recorders/Layouts panel, are located panel-specific controls.
Using these, you can add, remove or edit your recorders or layouts.
Add Recorder/Layout.
Pressed in the appropriate panel, this button allows you to add a new Recorder or Layout.
Remove Recorder/Layout.
Pressed in the appropriate panel, this button allows you to add/remove existing Recorder or
Notice that if you have only one layout in the panel, it can not be removed and the “Remove”
button will be unavailable.
This button opens the window with settings for the selected Recorder or Layout.
5. Operating
5.1. Adding Recorder
First, you need to add a Recorder if you have not done this when starting the application
for the first time. Click on and enter the required data in the window shown below. The
information shown below is a sample, you need to fill in your own data.
In this case we named our recorder “New Recorder”. When you have finished and pressed the OK button, the
new recorder will appear in the recorders panel.