Quadrox Fast-Touch Video Browser User Manual
Page 14

Quadrox Fast Touch Video Browser
User manual
There are lots of options available to select under the Template drop-down list. According to your needs
you can use the following templates with camera mosaics:
All templates have small icons next to their names which can show you a basic view of the layout, so you
are able to select right a mosaics template that fits your needs perfectly.
As an example, we added a few new mosaics layouts.
It doesn’t matter how many cameras you have, because you can drag the same camera into multiple cells if
you want.
It is also possible to mix cameras from several Recorders into one Layout.
• Single
• 2x1
• 2x2
• 3x2
• 3x3
• 4x4
• 5x3
• 5x4
• Zoom+3
• Zoom+5
• Zoom+7
• 2Zoom+8H