Performance – Calibrated Software XD Decode v2 User Manual

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Playback of files is dependent on both the speed of your CPU and harddrive, as well as the application that you are using
the movie files in. Please note that Calibrated{Q} XD Decode can be used in a wide-variety of applications; however some
applications do not use the QuickTime SDK in an optimized way (i.e. the Software Developer's Kit that applications use to
integrate QuickTime) which would cause a notable decrease in playback performance in those applications. One of the
main reasons that Calibrated{Q} XD Decode will perform slower in some applications is if the application is requesting
video frames to be decoded in the RGB colorspace and not in the YUV colorspace. XDCAM compressed video will
natively decode to YUV but if an application requests RGB video data then Calibrated{Q} XD Decode must decompress
the frame to YUV and then convert the YUV to RGB data which then takes more CPU time.

Before purchasing a Software License, please test the software in DEMO MODE using your own computers and
applications to ensure performance is suitable for your particular workflow needs. Using Calibrated{Q} XD Decode in
DEMO MODE is fully functional (including performance speed) except for the watermark over the video.

If playback is NOT realtime in QuickTime Player, your computer might not be fast enough to playback the video.
This could mean either the CPU is not fast enough, the hard drive is not fast enough, or a combination of both.

If you're playing back the video in an application other than QuickTime Player, the third-party application may not
be optimized to playback MOV files or the third-party application may not be taking advantage of optimizations in
Calibrated{Q} XD Decode for realtime performance.

If you are playing the MOV files from a (i) DVD-ROM or Blu-Ray ROM disc, (ii) USB 2.0 external harddrive, (iii)
FlashDrive, (iv) Compact Flash Card or (v) another type of removable storage or camera card media then
playback performance would not be reliable, and playback could be extremely choppy. It is recommended to
playback media from a 7200RPM SATA harddrive( preferably 2 or more harddrives striped at RAID0) that’s either
a local harddrive(s), or if an external harddrive then have an (at the minimum) eSata or FireWire800 connection.

If you are on Windows, using our software is not supported on a Virtual Operating System (i.e. using Parallels or
VMWare) and performance could be much slower in a Virtual Operating System.

If you are on Windows, playing files off of a MacFormatted Harddrive could also decrease performance. It is
recommended to use harddrives with a NTFS file system on Windows computers.

You can improve Playback Performance in OLDER computers by disabling the Auto-Prefetching. Please see the
Performance Settings in the Global Options Chapter. (Please note

If you’re using an Adobe CS5.0.3/5.5.0 application – please see the Section Special Note: Adobe CS5.0.3/5.5.0
Performance Enhancement
in this User Guide to increase performance in Adobe CS5.0.3/5.5.0 applications

You can also improve performance for applications that request frames in the RGB colorspace by enabling the
‘MT YUV->RGB’ or ‘MT-X YUV->RGB’ option – see the Section Performance Options for more details.

For Avid Media Composer, linking XDCAM HD/EX or HDV MOV files via AMA can have sluggish

– it is recommend to transcode/consolidate files after linking via AMA

For reasons unknown, performance in Quantel applications will be extremely slow

– apprx. 1 frame a second.

For reasons unknown, playback performance in Vegas on Windows will not be in realtime.


Please see the section ‘Special Note: CatDV’ in this User Guide for information about performance.

When using XDCAM MXF files in conjunction with Calibrated{Q} MXF Import: If you are working with MXF
files where the audio is stored in its own separate MXF file (i.e. Panasonic P2, Ikegami GFCAM, Avid, Sony SAM)
it can help in CatDV to enable the Audio Small Segments in the Calibrated{Q} MXF Import Options application.
Please see the BETA Features - Audio Only MXF Segment Size in the Calibrated{Q} MXF Import User Guide for
more details
