Organizing your projects – Bio-Rad Bio-Plex Data Pro™ Software User Manual

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Bio-Plex Data Pro Software User Guide | Organizing Your Projects


Organizing Your Projects

Over the course of time, you will create multiple projects, and you may not be
working with all of them at the same time. You can organize your projects by
removing projects that you are not currently working on from the list of active
projects and moving them to the Inactive Projects list. You can perform any of
the commands on an inactive project that you perform on an active project;
you can open and edit the project, view the data, and perform statistical
analysis on the data, and so on. You can return inactive projects to the Active
Projects list at any time.

To move a project to the Inactive Projects list:

From the Active Projects tab in the Open Projects dialog box,
select the project you want to move to the Inactive Projects list and
click Deactivate.

To return a project to the Active Projects list:

From the Inactive Projects tab in the Open Projects dialog box,
select the project you want to move to the Active Projects list, and
click Activate.
