Rear cutoff feature, Takedown feature, Steady burn feature – Code 3 CELS control box User Manual

Page 12: Flash pattern selection feature, Figure-3

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Rear Cutoff Feature

The Rear Cutoff feature uses the RCUT input to cut off the rear (Citadel) flashing (primary) outputs. This feature (by definition of cutoff) overrides

the 3-Level functionality to the rear. This function is not programmable. This feature will be unaffected by ArrowStik functionality. Rear Cutoff will

not affect Cruise function.

Takedown Feature

The Takedown feature has two inputs: Takedown Flash and Takedown Steady.

Takedown Flash will flash the Supervisor Takedowns. The patterns for flashing are as follows (default is pattern 1):

1 NFPA QUAD 75fpm

2 SLOW QUAD 60fpm

3 FAST SGL 375fpm

4 MED SGL 115fpm

5 FAST DOUBLE 115fpm




Takedown Steady will activate the Supervisor Takedowns, as well as XT4 and PAR36 secondaries if they are configured as Takedowns.

In Takedown Steady mode, Supervisor Takedown heads will be run at 100% duty cycle, and PAR36 and XT4 secondary heads (if activated) will be

run at 50% duty cycle.

Takedown Steady configuration options (default is pattern 2):

1 Takedown activates Supervisor TD only
2 Takedown activates Supervisor TD and PAR36, XT4 secondaries (“Flood” mode)

Steady Burn Feature

The steady burn feature functions like in the 600 series software, where the jumpers on the CC board will select whether L1, L1 and L2, or L1 and

L2 and L3 will activate the SB output. This can be used, for example, for a customer CA Steady Red feature. See Figure-3 below for jumper


Flash Pattern Selection Feature

Flash pattern selection works like the 600 series software. Touching the PGM wire to +12V for at least 50ms will change to the next pattern, and

holding it for approx. 4 seconds will reset to the factory default pattern. This will work if one of the other modes is active, via the following inputs:

L1 – changes L1 flash pattern

L2 – changes L2 flash pattern

L3 – changes L3 flash pattern

L1+L2 – changes L1+L2 flash pattern

L2+L3 – changes L2+L3 flash pattern

L1+L2+L3 – changes L1+L2+L3 flash pattern

TDFL – changes Takedown flash pattern

TDSB – changes whether PAR36 and XT4 secondaries are included in takedown steady burn

