Index – Mercedes-Benz E-Coupe 2010 COMAND Manual User Manual

Page 14

background image

Selecting audio track

CD, DVD, or MP3 ........................... 141
normal and random options ........... 144
rear seat entertainment system ..... 175
steering wheel operation ................. 28
voice commands for ...................... 204

Selecting from lists ............................. 33

Settings for COMAND system ............ 40

resetting to factory settings ............. 45

Skipping to tracks

see Track selection (audio)


see Audio

Speed restriction on destination

input ............................................... 50, 72

Speed restriction on video display . . 156

Speller .................................................. 31

destination memory list ................... 71
for points of interest (POIs) ........ 76, 78
house number list ............................ 68
street junction list ............................ 69
street list ......................................... 67
zip code list ...................................... 66

Spelling with voice command .......... 188

Standard Time ..................................... 41

State of destination,

selecting ...................................... 63, 192

Station selection (radio)

voice commands for ...................... 202

Steering wheel ............................ 25, 187

Stopover destinations ......................... 73

deleting ............................................ 74

Stopping playback

main audio ..................................... 140
main video ..................................... 159
rear seat entertainment
system ................................... 176, 178

Storage media handling ..... 48, 134, 156

Street junctions, selecting as

destination ........................................... 69

Street of destination,

selecting ...................................... 67, 194

Subtitles for DVD Video ............ 162, 181

Surround sound ................................... 36

Symbols in this book .......................... 14

System language

for input speller ............................. 108

System Settings menu ........................ 40

reset to factory settings ................... 45


Tele Aid ............................................... 216

Telephone (See also Calling)

activating ......................................... 99
address book ................................. 111
Bluetooth interface .......................... 99
call lists ......................................... 106
call waiting function ....................... 111
functional restrictions ...................... 99
general information .......................... 98
incoming calls .......................... 29, 109
loudness of calls .............................. 35
making calls ................................... 109
navigation announcements during
calls ................................................. 85
operating options ............................. 98
phone book .................................... 103
prerequisites .................................... 99
setting transmit and receive
volume ........................................... 101
steering wheel operation ................. 29
Tele Aid .......................................... 216
voice control with .......................... 206

Telephone book

see Phone book

Telephone calls

emergency ............................. 102, 216
lists of ............................................ 106
making ........................................... 109
see Calling

Tel menu ............................................... 29

Terminating phone calls ................... 111

Time format ......................................... 41

Time of arrival, displaying .................. 58

Time settings ....................................... 41

Time zone

setting ............................................. 41

Town, selecting as destination ........ 193

Track information

rear seat entertainment ................. 177

Track names ...................................... 132

Track selection (audio)

CD, DVD, or MP3 ........................... 141
iPods and MP3 players .................. 152



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