Index – Mercedes-Benz E-Coupe 2010 COMAND Manual User Manual

Page 15

background image

normal and random options ........... 144
rear seat entertainment system ..... 175
steering wheel operation ................. 28
voice commands for ...................... 204

Track selection (video) ..... 160, 161, 179

voice commands for ...................... 204

Traffic lane recommendations ........... 83

Traffic messages ................................. 87

Traffic symbol information ................. 90

Training for voice control ................... 42

Transmit volume (phone) ................. 101

Treble setting

main system .................................... 35
rear seat entertainment system ..... 171


voice control .................................. 211


Units of measurement, navigation .... 52
Updating Gracenote



Database ............................................ 143

Updating map software ...................... 48

USB devices

connecting to ................................. 147
playback options ............................ 152
playlists and folders ....................... 150
selecting active partition ............... 152
selecting tracks ..................... 150, 152


Vehicle location (current)

displaying ......................................... 58
GPS reception .................................. 51
moving map to ................................. 55
saving in Last Destinations ........ 54, 95

Video .................................................. 156

control menu, displaying/hiding .... 158
handling and care of discs ............. 156
interactive content ........................ 162
operating DVD menu ............. 160, 180
picture settings .............................. 160
rear seat entertainment system ..... 177
voice control with .......................... 211

Video Aux (auxiliary)

main system .................................. 163
rear seat entertainment system ..... 168

Voice control ..................................... 186

canceling the dialog ....................... 188
command list ................................. 205
creating voice names ..................... 198
general operation .......................... 186
help function .................................. 213
interrupting the dialog ................... 187
operating safety ............................. 186
settings ............................................ 42
starting the dialog .......................... 187
switching help screen on or off ........ 42
training for voice recognition ........... 42
troubleshooting ............................. 211
with address book ......... 116, 197, 211
with DVD changer .......................... 203
with external equipment (Aux) ....... 205
with navigation .............................. 191
with phone ..................................... 188
with radio and satellite radio ......... 201

Voice mail, voice control for ............ 191

Voice names, creating ...................... 198

Volume (loudness)

COMAND ......................................... 34
external audio sources .......... 153, 163
mobile phones ............................... 101
muting COMAND ............................. 34
navigation announcements ........ 35, 85
phone calls ...................................... 35
voice command ............................. 188
wireless headsets .......................... 169


Wireless headsets, rear seat

entertainment .................................... 168

basic operation .............................. 171
batteries for ................................... 170
muting audio playback ................... 168


Yahoo Local Maps


........................... 217




Rating Service ....................... 79

Zip code of destination, selecting ...... 65



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