Link licensing, 4 link licensing – Kofax Communication Server 9.2.0 User Manual

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Environment Guide

Version 9.02.00


© Copyright Kofax, Inc. All information is subject to change without notice.

11.4 Link Licensing


Per User Link Licensing

Some TC/Links are licensed per user, such as:




Business Application Integration Link Licensing

TC/Link-SC, TC/Link-SC7 and TC/Link-AC use a special form of per instance Licensing. First of all you

need a license for every workstation on which a TC/Link-SC is running. Then, for every 3 instances of

TC/Link-SC which are running on the same workstation, you need one TC/Link-SC license. Exactly the

same licensing rules apply to TC/Link-SC7.

In the following example you see one TCOSS with 3 TC/Link-SC7 licenses. On PC1 we have 4 instances of

TC/Link-SC7 installed, on PC2 and PC3 one instance of this link is installed. The 4 TC/Link-SC instances

on PC1 consume 2 licenses because every 3 instances on a workstation consume 1 license. The TC/Link-

SC7 on PC2 uses the third license. Therefore there is no license left for the TC/Link-SC7 on PC3 to log in

to the TCOSS server.




Computer 1

First TC/LINK-SC7 uses license SC7-1

Second TC/LINK-SC7 uses license SC7-1

Third TC/LINK-SC7 uses license SC7-1

Fourth TC/LINK-SC7 uses license SC7-2

Computer 2

TC/LINK-SC7 uses license SC7-3

Computer 3

No license left. Login not possible


Other Link Licenses

All other TC/Links (e.g. TC/Link-FI, TC/Link-

MD…) are licensed per workstation. For every workstation hosting

one or more instances of a certain TC/Link you need one license of that TC/Link. And it does not affect this rule
if a TC/Link is installed on a KCS Link server or on any other hardware.
