Ii. how to obtain an image of a map, Attention, Iii. how to geo-reference the map on google earth – AvMap MapConverter User Manual

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MapConverter - www.avmap.it


II. How to obtain an image of a map

• If have a paper map is printed, you can scan it at an
appropriate resolution, and save the image as a JPEG.
• if your map is electronic, such as a PDF, you need to convert
it using a suitable program to save it as a JPEG.
The image of the map has to be in JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP
or GIF format.



the maps have to meet some requirements
• The map should be geographic or in Mercator projection
• The map should not have any rotation

III. How to geo-reference the map on Google Earth

Once you have the image of the map (in JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP or GIF format) you can geo-reference it, and create the
.kmz file using with Google Earth.
You can download Google Earth, for free from http://www.google.com/intl/it/earth/index.html.

1. Open Google Earth.

2. Locate in Google Earth the approximate place represented in your map. It can be useful to search for the name of a
street shown in the map, to get a reference point. The closer the viewing area is to the location and coverage of your JPEG,
the easier it will be to georeference.

If the map you started from was already
georeferenced, the operation will be easier: it is
enough to get the Lat Lon coordinates of the 4
corners and insert them on Google Earth.

3. Click on “Add” on the Google Earth menu
and choose the option “Image Overlay” (or click
on the “Add overlay” icon on the bar on top of
the map)

4. In the “New Image Overlay” dialog box,
provide a name for the map file and use the
“Browse” button to select the map image on
your PC.
