V. how to convert the map with mapconverter, Attention – AvMap MapConverter User Manual

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MapConverter - www.avmap.it


V. How to convert the map with


Now that you have created a .kmz or .map file you can
convert it in the AvMap format and import it in your navigator.
If you wish to use existing .kmz, please make sure they
really contain an image and not a link (opening them with
Google Earth).

1. Open the Suite, connect the navigator, log in and click on
the Map Converter button.

2. Select the map source file (.kmz or .map), browsing
your PC and select the destination folder where the new
converted file will be saved.

3. Choose a name and a description for the map..

4. Choose the conversion scale clicking the corresponding
option. The scale should reflect the scale of the starting
map and it will determine at which level of zoom it will be
displayed in the navigators’ display.

5. Click on the “Convert” and wait for the pop-up window to

6. Click “OK”. Now click on ‘Manage Maps’ to choose which
custom map you want to load on the navigator.

AvMap navigators can read up to 8 maps included those
preloaded in the SD memory card, independently of the free
space in the memory, but you can change and substitute
them any time you want using the Manage Maps page.


Do not load overlapping raster maps as navigator will
show only one of them. If your navigator already contains
a raster map covering the same area as the custom map
you want to load, you may consider removing it from the
SD card (save a backup of that map on your PC).
