Toshiba MA-132 SERIES User Manual

Page 11

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This key is used to advance the journal roll in the same way as the

RF key. This key is useful if the cashier, due perhaps to an

interruption whilst ringing up a sale, is unsure which items have

already been entered. By using this key, the cashier can see which

items have actually been printed.





This key is used to issue the receipt of a sale which has already been

finalized with the RECEIPT ON/OFF SWITCH positioned to OFF.

To operate, depress the [~RCPT ISSUE] key without a numeric entry.

The receipt for the last sale is then issued, with only the sale total

printed but not details. This key will not function if another sale

has alreay been under way on the register,

operation is not possible after a Received


The receipt post-issue

on Account or Paid Out




This key is used to subtract an amount from the sale total such as

a discounting a sale. This key cannot normally be used outside a sale.

Neither can an amount exceeding sale total normally be entered.

However, when the "Credit Balance" option has been selected, this key

can be used inside or outside a sale and over-subtraction of the sale

is allowed.

This key can be programmed with taxable or non-taxable status. When

the tax status of this key must be reversed, depress |TX/M[ (or ITXl/M|

and/or ITX2/MI in a dual-tax area) before this key is depressed.

To operate, enter the discount amount on the numeric keyboard, and

then depress this key.


This key is used to subtract a percentage rate from the sale or an

item. If the preset rate is to be subtracted, depress this key without

a prior rate entry. If a rate different from the preset one is

required, enter the desired rate on the numeric keyboard and then

depress this key. The manual rate will take priority.

To operate, depress the key either immediately after a department

or PLU entry if only that item requires the percent discount, or after

the |~S TI key has been depressed if required from the total bill. The

percent rate and the discount amount calculated are printed and

subtracted from the sale total.

The percentage rate may be entered within the range from 0.01% to

99.99%. The fraction resulted from the percentage calculation is

usually programmed to be rounded off. However, it can be programmed

to be rounded up or rounded down.

Usually, I %,-j key may operate only once after obtaining a sub-total.

However, it can be programmed to allow any number of times.

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