Mariner Software Mariner Write for Mac User Manual

Page 163

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ERROR - a function command that stops the merge process immediately.!

Format: =ERROR()!

See the OR example below.!

FILE - a function command that inserts an external file into the Template document.!

Format: =FILE("relative path to the file to insert in quotes")!

Example: =FILE("myFile")!

IF - a function that returns one value if the condition is true, and another value if the condition is false.!

Format: =IF(value, true_value, false_value)!

Example Data!

=IF(First="James", "Jim",First)!

explanation - field First equals James, conditions is true and the function returns "Jim" (true condition)!

=IF(First="William", "Bill",First)!

Explanation - field First does not equals William, condition is false and the function returns the vales in First,
"James" (false condition)!

OMIT - a function command to omit or ignore the Data record from the merge output.!

Format: =OMIT()!

See the AND example above."

OR - a function that returns 1 (true), if any of the logical conditions are true, if not it returns 0 (false). Normally used in con-
junction with the IF Function to test multiple conditions.!



