Mariner Software Mariner Write for Mac User Manual

Page 88

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Change Case!

The Change Case menu contains commands to change the case of document text. Unlike the uppercase, lowercase and
small cap styles (see Chapter 4: Formatting), the actual document text is changed.!

To modify text case:!


Highlight the text you want to change. If no text is highlighted, the commands are not available.!


For detailed information on selecting text, see Chapter 3, Selecting and Entering.!


Choose the desired modify command from the Change Case menu.!

Sentence Case - Capitalizes the first letter at the beginning of a sentence.!
Force Sentence Case - performs the lowercase command, then the Sentence Case command.!
UPPERCASE - forces text to CAPITAL letters.!
lowercase - forces text to small or lowercase letters.!
Title Case - Capitalizes the first letter of each word.!
Force Title Case - performs the lowercase command, then the Title Case command.!
Toggle Case - reverses each characters case, for example “Toggle Case” becomes “tOGGLE cASE”.



