5 settings – Philips PCVC665K User Manual

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5 Settings

The «emera propsftiee and video} can only Oe changed from within an applica№n.


^5.1 Sound pnoparlieB


See —

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AccesB to the sound pngpertte? Í9 dependent on the appticalion software

But usually it will look something I8:g this wtien you open a 'Sound Settings'


The Comoro hog no built-in m5croi)ho№, so a micioplwne (not ncJuded)

oorwiected to your sound cord will be used as a sound Input iof your video
opolicotion- Chech your sound recording capabilities with a recording
application, e.g. Sound Recorder from Windows. If you can record sourtd
ihrough your sound card w№ such an applrcallon, you «hould al» be able

to record »und and camera images together m any video application.

Nott: A mono miorapr>OrW can only produce a mono audio signal. Applications may offer you the choice of

Dlhaf audio pualrlies, but bear in mind that a mono micropbone can never produce stereo soundsi


Camera pr&|i>ertjes

The Phihps


PC Camera Is very user^fklendly and can


used intuitively. The vidH options can be

adjusted m the tramerà Property Page'. Access to this properly page is dependent on the application soUware.
For inelance, m one program you might choose 'Options'


'Video Source' from the menu bar to open the

property page However, In other applications you may ftave to open the 'Proferences' menu or the Video

Options' menu.

Aooass the camera property page (ns location on the menus differs between applications) and you will see two
tabs with usef'Chengeeble setlirigs. Most applications can show a live' video imaga on your noonitor. Always

изо this option to see the effed of chenged setlings on your screen.

S.2.1 Cemera Controls

One of tbo property labs is 'Camera Controls'.

This lab shows you deveral carriera sailings you can change. If a setting can bo adjusted automaticefly by tho
camera, there wHl he an active Auto chachlxM available to the right of (ho value box. Click Itoo ciieckbox to
engage the automatic aOjjuslment for that setting.

Remove the check mark in 1Гн Auto checkbox bolore manually changing the »Itirvgs. Use the sliders


change settings or type a numerical value in tho box lo the right of в particular slider. This value bo? to bo

within the valid rartge for the setting, which ia diffaroni for every setting. Mo^t application^ can show a ^ivo'

video image on your morubcr. Always use this option to aae the effor^E of ohangod setlings Oh your screen I


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