Texas, Wisconsin – SIG SAUER SIG516 Rifle User Manual

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when it counts




“iT iS unlaWful To STore, TranSPorT, or aBandon an unSecured firearM in a Place WHere cHildren are
liKely To Be and can oBTain acceSS To THe firearM.”


“if you leaVe a loaded firearM WiTHin THe reacH or eaSy acceSS of a cHild you May Be fined or iMPriSoned
or BoTH if THe cHild iMProPerly diScHargeS, PoSSeSSeS, or eXHiBiTS THe firearM.”

Please check with your licensed retailer, state police, or local police for additional warnings, which may be required by
local law or regulation. Such regulations change constantly, and local authorities are in the best position to advise you on
such legal matters.
