Device operation, Sram write, Sram read – Cypress CY14B101Q3 User Manual

Page 3: Store operation, Autostore operation

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Document #: 001-50091 Rev. *A

Page 3 of 22

Device Operation

CY14B101Q1/CY14B101Q2/CY14B101Q3 is 1 Mbit nvSRAM

memory with a nonvolatile element in each memory cell. All the

reads and writes to nvSRAM happen to the SRAM which gives

nvSRAM the unique capability to handle infinite writes to the

memory. The data in SRAM is secured by a STORE sequence

which transfers the data in parallel to the nonvolatile Quantum

Trap cells. A small capacitor (V


) is used to AutoStore the

SRAM data in nonvolatile cells when power goes down providing

power down data security. The Quantum Trap nonvolatile

elements built in the reliable SONOS technology make nvSRAM

the ideal choice for secure data storage.
The 1 Mbit memory array is organized as 128K words x 8 bits.

The memory can be accessed through a standard SPI interface

that enables very high clock speeds upto 40 MHz with zero cycle

delay read and write cycles. This device supports SPI modes 0

and 3 (CPOL, CPHA = 0, 0 & 1, 1) and operates as SPI slave.

The device is enabled using the Chip Select pin (CS) and

accessed through Serial Input (SI), Serial Output (SO), and

Serial Clock (SCK) pins.
This device provides the feature for hardware and software write

protection through WP pin and WRDI instruction respectively

along with mechanisms for block write protection (1/4, 1/2, or full

array) using BP0 and BP1 pins in the status register. Further, the

HOLD pin can be used to suspend any serial communication

without resetting the serial sequence.
CY14B101Q1/CY14B101Q2/CY14B101Q3 uses the standard

SPI opcodes for memory access. In addition to the general SPI

instructions for read and write, it provides four special

instructions which enable access to four nvSRAM specific

functions: STORE, RECALL, AutoStore Disable (ASDISB), and

AutoStore Enable (ASENB).
The major benefit of nvSRAM SPI over serial EEPROMs is that

all reads and writes to nvSRAM are performed at the speed of

SPI bus with zero delay. Therefore, no wait time is required after

any of the memory accesses. The STORE and RECALL

operations need finite time to complete and all memory accesses

are inhibited during this time. While a STORE or RECALL

operation is in progress, the busy status of the device is indicated

by the Hardware STORE Busy (HSB) pin and also reflected on

the RDY bit of the Status Register.
The Device is available in three different pin configurations that

enable the user to choose a part which fits in best in their appli-



The Feature summary is given in

Table 2


SRAM Write

All writes to nvSRAM are carried out on the SRAM and do not

use up any endurance cycles of the nonvolatile memory. This

enables user to perform infinite write operations. A Write cycle is

performed through the SPI WRITE instruction. The WRITE

instruction is issued through the SI pin of the nvSRAM and

consists of the WRITE opcode, three bytes of address, and one

byte of data. Write to nvSRAM is done at SPI bus speed with zero

cycle delay.
The device allows burst mode writes to be performed through

SPI. This enables write operations on consecutive addresses

without issuing a new WRITE instruction. When the last address

in memory is reached, the address rolls over to 0x0000 and the

device continues to write.
The SPI write cycle sequence is defined explicitly in the Memory

Access section of SPI Protocol Description.


A read cycle is performed at the SPI bus speed and the data is

read out with zero cycle delay after the READ instruction is

performed. The READ instruction is issued through the SI pin of

the nvSRAM and consists of the READ opcode and 3 bytes of

address. The data is read out on the SO pin.
This device allows burst mode reads to be performed through

SPI. This enables reads on consecutive addresses without

issuing a new READ instruction. When the last address in

memory is reached in burst mode read, the address rolls over to

0x0000 and the device continues to read.
The SPI read cycle sequence is defined explicitly in the Memory

Access section of SPI Protocol Description.

STORE Operation

STORE operation transfers the data from the SRAM to the

nonvolatile Quantum Trap cells. The device stores data to the

nonvolatile cells using one of three STORE operations:

AutoStore, activated on device power down; Software STORE,

activated by a STORE instruction in the SPI; Hardware STORE,

activated by the HSB. During the STORE cycle, an erase of the

previous nonvolatile data is first performed, followed by a

program of the nonvolatile elements. After a STORE cycle is

initiated, further input and output are disabled until the cycle is

The HSB signal or the RDY bit in the Status register can be

monitored by the system to detect if a STORE cycle is in

progress. The busy status of nvSRAM is indicated by HSB being

pulled LOW or RDY bit being set to ‘1’. To avoid unnecessary

nonvolatile STOREs, AutoStore and Hardware STORE opera-

tions are ignored unless at least one write operation has taken

place since the most recent STORE or RECALL cycle. Software

initiated STORE cycles are performed regardless of whether a

write operation has taken place.

AutoStore Operation

The AutoStore operation is a unique feature of nvSRAM which

automatically stores the SRAM data to QuantumTrap during

power down. This Store mechanism is implemented using a

Table 2. Feature Summary






















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