Api list and descriptions, Type definitions, Lcd control module – Acrosser ANR-IH61N1/A/B User Manual

Page 50: 1 type definitions, 2 lcd control module

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5.3. API List and Descriptions

5.3.1 Type


Typedef char i8;

Typedef unsigned char u8;

Typedef short i16;

Typedef unsigned short u16;

Typedef unsigned long u32;

Typedef int i32;

5.3.2 LCD Control Module

1. i32 clrscrLcm( void )

Description: Clear the screen of the LCM.

Return value: 0 after the screen is cleared.

2. i32 cursorLcm( bool mode )

Description: According to the argument ‘mode’, show the cursor on the LCM screen or eliminate

the cursor on the LCM screen. The position of the cursor is unchanged.

mode = true, show the cursor.

mode = false, eliminate the cursor.

Return value: 0 after the cursor has been shown or eliminated.

3. i32 cursorActionLcm( i32 type)

Description: According to the argument ‘type’, move the cursor to the indicated position. The

displayed text is not altered.

type = HOME, move the cursor to row 0, column 0.

type = MOVERIGHT, move the cursor to the column which is to the right of its original position

if the original column < 15.

type = MOVELEFT, move the cursor to the column which is to the left of its original position if

the original column > 0.

type = MOVEBACK, move the cursor to the column which is to the left of its original position

and delete the character at the new position if the original

column > 0.

Return value: 0 after the cursor is moved.

