Restoring your unit to normal operation, Mportant – EXFO MAX-710-P User Manual

Page 336

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Restoring Your Unit to Normal Operation

Restoring Your Unit to Normal Operation

Your MAX-700 is set to start using the standard Windows startup sequence.
However, you can also use the emergency system tools feature if you need

check the disk integrity

back up some files directly onto a USB storage device for recovery

revert your unit to its initial state (as it was when you purchased it) or
restore it with a specific Windows image (WIM) that could have been
provided to you by EXFO customer service, for example.



The restoration of the system partition cannot be undone or
stopped once it is started.

If you have installed other products that are not included in your
image file, you will have to reinstall them afterwards.

To avoid loosing the data that is stored on the D drive, you may
want to back it up before restoring the system partition. Otherwise,
all your files will be lost.



Connect a keyboard to your unit before using the emergency
system tools. Otherwise, you will not be able to enter the
Maintenance and recovery
mode. The touchscreen becomes
available once you have entered the tool.

You may find useful to connect a mouse to your unit as well.
