Introduction – Rocktron Texas Recoiler User Manual

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The Texas Recoiler is a device that simply makes any Single coil

guitar pickups sound better.

It does this by using a FET input stage along with special filtering

techniques that produces a better quality tone and response similar

to that of High end Custom Shop Pickups. You can easily dial in

that special SRV mid dip along with adding a little more kick. Once

you hear the difference you’ll never leave for the gig without it

OUTPUT: Adjusts the final Output Gain 0db to +3dBu

FREQUENCY: Adjusts Center Frequency to affect.

WINDINGS: Adjusts amount of gain produced at the Frequency


HP FILTER: Controls the amount of LOWS present.

Extra adjustment: If you want to customize your sound even more

remove the back plate and experiment with this hidden control.

REAR PCB POT: Use this to adjust the Band Width of the

Windings Filter.

This will adjust how narrow or wide the dip effect becomes.

Set it up the way you like it and you are ready to rock!
