Deleting a student, Editing class information – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual

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ExamView Test Manager


Enter information in the Password field if you plan on using online (LAN) tests and want your students to each have a
unique password. You can also set an overall test password for each online test and have all students use this
password. In this case, you would leave the Password field blank for your students.


If you plan to use clickers, you will need to fill in the clicker ID number. Valid clicker ID values
are whole numbers between 1 - 1000.


Optionally, click More and enter additional optional information.


The additional optional information available when you click More can be used later as filters
when you are creating reports.


If you teach multiple sections of the same class, you may choose to create a separate class
file for each class or combine all of your students into one class file. If you choose to combine
your students into one file, you can use the Custom fields to differentiate your classes. For
example, enter "Period 1", "Period 2", etc. into the Custom 1 field. Then you could print a
report using this field as a filter.


If you wish to add additional students, click Next. If you are finished adding students, click OK.

Deleting a Student


Highlight the student you wish to delete.


Click Student from the menu bar and select Delete Student or press the Delete key.


If you want to clear a student's results without deleting the student, click Student from the
menu bar and select Clear Student Results.


When the confirmation prompt appears, click Yes.

Editing Class Information


From the main window, double click the class name or click Edit from the menu bar and select Class Information.


Add, edit, or delete any of the class information as desired. Remember, the Class name, Instructor name, School name,
City, and State/Region fields are required and cannot be blank.


To edit the class preferences, click Preferences .


Click OK to record your changes.


Click File from the menu bar and select Save or click the toolbar icon to save your class.
