Installation, 1 positioning, 1 . 0 i n s t a l l a t i o n – Naim Audio NAP S1 User Manual

Page 5: 1 . 1 p o s i t i o n i n g

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1 . 0 I N S T A L L A T I O N

The following Section 1 paragraphs refer to both the NAC S1 preamplifier and NAP S1

power amplifiers.

1 . 1 P O S I T I O N I N G

W A R N I N G . Statement amplifiers are extremely heavy and to minimise the risk of damage or

personal injury they should be lifted and moved by at least three people working together.

Your Statement preamplifier and power amplifiers can generally be positioned in your listening

room as convenience dictates. There are however some constraints to consider:

• For best performance Statement amplifiers should ideally be connected directly

to wall-mounted mains outlet sockets using only the supplied PowerLine mains cables.

Each Statement unit must therefore be located within 1m of a mains outlet socket.

• If a NAC S1 preamplifier is to be used with a Naim 500 Series or Classic Series power amplifier

(most likely a NAP 500 or NAP 300), the distance between the NAC S1 and the power amplifier

will be constrained by the 1m interconnect cable length.

• If a NAC S1 preamplifier is to be used with NAP S1 power amplifiers, the distance between

the preamplifier and power amplifiers is less constrained by interconnect cable length.

The supplied interconnect cables are 560mm long, however cables of up to 10m length may

be used. Your Naim retailer will be able to supply cables made-up to the required length.

N O T E . One of each pair of NAP S1 power amplifiers is nominated as the “left” power amplifier and

one nominated as the “right” power amplifier. Left (L) and right (R) identification can be found on NAP S1

connection panels. Ensure when positioning a pair of NAP S1 power amplifiers that each one is sited

appropriately for connection to its left and right inputs and outputs.

I M P O R T A N T N O T E . The NAC S1 has setup buttons and indicators located on its connection

panel. Ensure the connection panel is accessible following installation to enable configuration.



This manual is related to the following products: