1 introduction, 1 basic rules, 2 header of the basis file block – GBS Elektronik MCA-527 Binary Data Format User Manual

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1 Introduction

The MCA binary data format has been developed by us for the present applications of the MCA527, however, it is also designed to
be extended for future applications or MCA types. The MCA527 prefers the MCA binary data format since it is more compact and
easier to write than the MCA spectral data format


(*.spe). All MCA527's with microSD memory card socket and firmware version

12.02 or higher are able to write measurement data to MCA binary data files (*.mca).

The MCA binary data format is not exclusively used by the MCA527 but also by computer programs because the compactness of
the file format is ideally suited for large amounts of data.

1.1 Basic rules

MCA binary data files consist of one or several file blocks.

For reasons of simplification, the MCA527 only writes file blocks that size is always a multiple of 512. The rest of each file
block is filled with dummy bytes. This rule does not refer to files that are written by computer programs.

The first file block is named basis file block. It starts with a 28 bytes long header. The meaning of the further bytes of the basis
file block is depending on the general mode.

Computer programs can add freely defined file blocks behind the regular file blocks. Each of these file blocks must start with
an unsigned long value that defines the file block size including this 4 bytes. The computer programs are free to define the file
block format according to its needs.

1.2 Header of the basis file block



Data type


Byte offset 0

File identification

14 characters

The string 'MCA527BINARY ' identifies the file
as a binary data file that has been directly written
by the MCA527.

The string 'MCA527BIN_APP ' identifies the file
as binary data file that has been written by any
application. The data origin is the MCA527.

Byte offset 14

Used bytes of the basis file block

unsigned short This value defines the number of valid bytes



If the file has been directly written by the
MCA527, the rest of the basis file block is filled
with dummy bytes to get a multiple of 512.

Byte offset 16

Firmware version

unsigned short

Byte offset 18

Hardware version

unsigned short

Byte offset 20

Firmware modification

unsigned short

Byte offset 22

Hardware modification

unsigned short

Byte offset 24

Serial number

unsigned short

Byte offset 26

General mode

unsigned short

1 See document “MCA Data Spectral Format” (MCA_Spectral_Data_Format_



2 Applications which read files from this type should take into consideration that the number of valid bytes are potentially

increased by higher firmware or software versions.

