The rules of darts – Excalibur electronic Corona Dart Board PL26 User Manual

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You can play darts by

yourself or against an oppo-
nent. Two teams can also
play against each other.

Each player takes a turn

throwing. A “turn” consists
of three darts thrown in suc-
cession. To determine who
shoots first, a single dart
can be thrown. The player
landing closest to the bull’s
eye shoots first.

The yellow and black

side is used by most dart
players and in tournaments.

Landing a dart in any of

the 20 numbered triangles
earns the same number of
points as that number.
However, landing a dart in
the doubles ring gives you
double the points and land-
ing a dart in the triples ring
gives you triple the points.
The center circle of the dart
board is called the “bull’s
eye.” It has an inner and
outer ring. Landing a dart in
the inner ring is worth 50
points. Landing a dart in the

outer ring of the bull’s eye
is worth 25 points.

Many different dart

games can be played.
Below are three of the most


for 301

and 501

The most popular dart

games are called “301” and
“501.” In both games, the
basic principle is the sub-
traction of your score from
the initial score of either
301 or 501, with the winner
reducing his score to exact-
ly zero. Here are the rules.

Before any score is

counted, the player must
begin by hitting a double.
(Any double will do.) That
means the player must land
a dart between the two yel-
low lines on the outer
perimeter of the board.
Once a double has been
thrown, that dart and all

The Rules of Darts
